Clever Schools will implement a challenging curriculum and provide resources and support for standards-based education.
Clever Schools will align curriculum, instruction, and assessment with the Show-Me Standards and the Missouri Assessment Program.
Clever Schools will continue to use technology to enhance instruction and improve student achievement.
Clever Schools will give students and teachers sufficient opportunities to plan, teach, and learn while providing consistent expectations and seamless transitions between schools.
Clever Schools will develop classroom, grade-level, and school-wide assessment data systems to determine the most effective instructional practices.
Clever Schools will hold all stakeholders accountable for high academic and behavioral expectations.
Clever Schools will provide a comprehensive and ongoing program of professional development.
Clever Schools will engage the community to support student achievement.
Clever Schools will create a safe, orderly, efficient, and motivating school environment.
In efforts to improve MAP achievement, members of the Clever R-V Board of Education believe....
Respect the testing process
Apply test-taking strategies to maximize opportunities for success
Complete all questions to the best of their abilities
Apply themselves to learn throughout the year
Arrive at school rested and ready to learn each day
Understand the testing process and the importance of tests
Be sure children are rested and ready for testing
Encourage children to read and comprehend
Encourage children to read for specific information
Align curriculum to the Show-Me Standards
Use released items to develop performance events
Provide constructed response items for student practice
Collaborate with other professionals to create assessments
Create a positive test-taking environment
Proctor exams carefully
Analyze test data to plan for future instruction
Provide test schedules to faculty
Coordinate all teachers during the testing period
Provide incentives for students during testing
Enforce testing procedures and test security
Provide collaborative plan time for the purpose of developing a quality curriculum
Showcase top-quality performance events and constructed response items
Coordinate meetings with teachers and parents to review curriculum and expectations
Allow Clever R-V MAP teachers to share information
Evaluate curriculum revisions and the use of constructed response items and performance events
Analyze test data to improve curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment
Create a positive learning environment
Keep parents informed of pertinent testing information
Encourage communication between teachers and parents
Organize a system of explaining test results to all stakeholders in the district
Stay abreast of trends and issues related to the school improvement process